Random Stuff

I stole this...so should you.

What stickers do you have on your car?
None. The last time I had stickers on my car I was 16. Then they were Jane's Addicition & Nine Inch Nails.

How/where did you meet your last bf/gf?
That would be my husband now. Through mutual friends, long story.

What do you hear right now?
Garbage - Bleed Like Me
A co-worker coughing.

If you could have a drink of anything right this second, what
would it be?

I'm really craving a Snapple peach iced tea.

Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My right knee. It hurts more often than not.

What's your job position called?
Vice President

What size shoe do you wear?
7 1/2

What are you wearing right now?
Khaki slacks, white Gap t-shirt & light green slip-on flats.

Do you own a camera phone?
No, I'd be taking pictures of my boobs all day & sending them to my husband.

What's your significant other's birthday?
June 15th.

What's your Mom's favorite band/musician?
It varies. When I was little it was ABBA. Now I have no idea.

What's your Dad's favorite band/musician?

What was your highschool's mascot?
A knight. So original, right?

What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
Belvedere w/ cranberry. Gotta support the mother land.

What's the next concert/show you're going to and when?
Liz Phair sometime in the middle of August. Can't wait.

What were you doing at 9 pm last night?
Doing dishes after a late dinner.

What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
Winter: White chocolate mocha
Summer: Tie between Vanilla bean frappucino and iced white chocolate mocha.

Do you exercise as much as you should?
No, and thanks for making me feel guilty about it.

Did you attend your High School prom?
Yes, much sex was had afterwards.


The Unprocessed Project said...

Ha! Loved the camera phone comment. I'm surprised Ben has not bought one for you yet.

:) said...

my answers:

stickers - none
bf/gf - is my wife, met online! woo woo we are nerds!
hear - friend on phone. my stomach gurgling. 94.7 streaming.
drink - snapple peach iced teaworks well
hurt - fingers...
position - acct manager
show size - 10
wearing - born brown shoes. tan slacks. green shirt. boxers, watch, socks..
camera phone - yes. i have barely used it. yer welcome to send me yer boob shots.
bday - 2/9
moms music- umm..good question. maybe enya. maybe that uh..lesbian canadian chick..i forget her name.
dads music - neil diamond possibly. streisand maybe.
hs mascot - a viking
alcoholic bev - hmm..either a good cold beer or maybe captain n coke
concert - u2 in december. hopefully something before.
9pm last ngiht - eating dinner at beaches
starbucks drink - gingerbread latte
exercise - no
prom - yes. it sucked. shouldve taken a cheerleader.

JDS said...

Stickers - Not a UK thing
Last gf - Met wife in pub - friend of a friend. Met last girlfriend at work and so far have been able to hid the affair
What do I hear - The new Super Furry Animals album, "Love Kraft"
Drink this second - Large Gordons & Slimline Tonic
Hurt? - Yes, I burnt my thumb earlier today
Job position - The boss!
Shoe size - 11
Wearing? - Grey t-shirt, red shorts, no underwear
Camera Phone? Oh yes ... takes video as well ... hee hee
S/O birthday - 18th June
Mum's fave band - The Beatles
Dad's fave band - dead for years, but he liked Ella Fitzgerald
Mascot - not applicable in UK
Fave drink - Champagne - Bollingfer or Dom P
Concert? - Too old
9pm last night? - working
Starbucks? Iced mocha
Excercise? Roll my own cigarettes
Prom - not applicable in UK

Unknown said...

I love your list and want a iced coffee right now.