Thinking & Driving

It's funny how darkness affects your mood. In the summertime when I leave work, I look forward to the things I will be doing that evening. While driving I think abut going to the grocery store, making dinner, walking the dogs, maybe going to the gym. The list is always pretty lengthy, but I always look forward to it and I know that I will have daylight until 9:30, sometimes even 10pm.

Now that it's dark at like 4:30pm, I find that I'm stressing on my way home. It's dark when I leave the office. My drive is an hour long. I sit there and try to figure out how I'm going to have any time at all to get everything done. For some reason the darkness makes me feel like it's aready too late to do anything. My poor dogs are neglected. I've been working later and getting home when it's been dark for a few hours. Ben gets home even later. We eat dinner and go to sleep. I don't like it.


Unknown said...

I know exactly how you feel.I was whining and crying yesterday because I had to work out at that is so late...

It could also be that it was 13 degrees here yesterday...that is never a mood enhancer in my book.

Christine said...

I hate the dark. It really is a depressing time of year. Well, maybe only depressing because I have to go to work. If I could sit inside with a book all day I might like it better.

The Unprocessed Project said...

Uggg, I hate this time of year. I love the colors and the cool, crisp air, but I hate the darkness.