My Turn-Ons Include...

I have been attempting to make a new hire at work, no luck as of yet. I was looking at some online resumes today when I came across one that made me do a double-take. Sales experience, account management, accolades, blah blah blah. Then at the very bottom she has listed "Physical Characteristics" as a heading. Under this heading it says "5'9", 136 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes."

One a resume??? On Under the Account Management section??? I checked to make sure that I wasn't searching under some "exotic dancer" category, but no. I mean, it's illegal even to ask a person how old they are in an interview. Why would I need to know that she's tall & skinny?


:) said...

whats half nekkid thursday?

The Unprocessed Project said...

Could be the reason why she hasn't found a job yet. Just a thought.